How is the weather? (Qué tiempo hace?)
It’s raining. (lloviendo)
It is _____.
(pasado) It was ____ yesterday. (yesterday – ayer)
(futuro) It will be _____ tomorrow (manana).
It will be raining. We will have thunderstorms in Springdale tomorrow.
It will be hot in Austin, Texas.
How hot is it?
Fahrenheit (F): Fahrenheit
Centigrados: Celsius
Cálido: warm/hot
Tibio: warm
Frio: cold
Muy frio: freezing
Húmedo: humid
Con viento: windy
Soleado: sunny
Nublado: cloudy
Nevado: snowy (it’s snowing)
TV show (Nailed it- S1 E3)
Nailed it! (you did something really well)
Baker (panadero)
Amateur (aficionado)
Fail (fallar)
Dessert (postres) – desert (desierto)
What is your favorite dessert?
What kind/type of cake do you like?
Tres leches!
It looks really tasty.
Do you know how to make this cake?
Skip (saltarse) dessert.
I want to skip my class.
I skip my turn.
I will skip my meeting
Don’t skip your meal!
I want to continue to grow.
I want to continue to learn.
I want to improve ___.
Treat (dessert, snack food, dog treat, )
Play it safe.
Make a mess
Hang in there